Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This just on--Passed Bangla Bex!!!

Wooo, hooo, now THIS is exciting news folks! So, that means I am released from my Russian BEX. With that, the last piece of our tandem puzzle falls into place.
Oh yeah, besides the small detail that my Bangla final is this Friday. Um, brrrrr....


  1. Congrats and good luck on the test Friday!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Must feel fantastic!

  3. Congrats! You worked really hard for this!

  4. Amma feels "you have worked very hard and was sure that you will pass and u have really proved it! all the best." we thought we can see moscow and St petersburg thro ur russian posting! I never factored that it would require so much of efforts on the Diplomat son to learn russian!Congrats!

  5. Hi this is Christie. I'm planning to take the FSOT. Thank you so much for such a witty and informative blog!
    And I have questions. How long did it take to receive the result of the foreign language phone test after you took this test. Also, when was the in-person foreign language test at Foreign Service Institute (FSI) was arranged as well...? I know it would be different for each applicant, but I still want to know the test application process (time frame) generally. I'm also trying to take a foreign language test in the Critical Need Language (Korean) so I'm trying to measure out the process....

